I know.. Don't tell me! Yes, its been awhile. Forgive me! But I'm back and feeling just as good as I was the last time you heard from me. I have so much to catch you up on I don't even know where to start. I've had a change in homes, cars, jobs, the pageant went very well, new love, some traveling of course, and so much more...
Welp, for starters I think I've been so blessed beyond this earth. I cant seem to stop loving life. It's pretty much amazing and I thank the man above me for it all. The blessings keep coming and coming. Don't get me wrong I do have those bad days but hey, the way I see it is that you live and you learn and life still goes on. It's like they say "Such is life" and it could be worse! Plus the bad is what molds you into greatness. I appreciate my stumbles, falls, failures, and mistakes because in the end it just made me into a stronger me then I was yesterday. My life has fully given thanks not only to myself but to those most closest to me; my family but of course my inner circle, my loves, my backbones, my sisters/brother, my roomies, but lastly "My Best Frans" for their love, support, encouragement, and on-going friendship which has kept me grounded in so many ways.
With that being said I think I'll begin my next few blogs by introducing my crazy, sexy, cool (YES! I just said crazy, sexy, cool) friends hahah. Just so that when I am posting blogs in the future you know exactly who i am talking about =) enjoy my bloggers
p.s excuse all the gramatical errors and my text as if i am texting. I'm horrible at this and I'd rather free write and get it all out! #SorryImNOTsorry if you don't like it ha love ya lots